Gary Lee Reed
Hi. Thanks for visiing my web site. I appologze for any errors. It's continues to be a work in progress.
After a bout of health issues, detached retina's, yes retinas, two of them it's back to work.
And I am back with renewed energy and enthusiasm and a whole slew of projects on the hunt for a home to inhabit.
A few short weeks ago I closed a very successful production of 1776 at La Mirada and Soraya Perf. Ctr. And All My Sons that I directed opened last week for a six week run. An early review sounds like we may have a hit on our hands. See my Gallery for pic's of my talented cast.
I have two plays I am pitching to regional theatres for future mounting. Stay tuned.
Check out my Current Projects for more info and...
Below you will find a link to my play Personal Effects. Just click on the DOCX box to download.
See you at the theatre